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Genome will help to cure many genetic diseases.

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Your Genome will help to cure many genetic diseases. Yes, it is true, now it has become possible to create a gene horoscope in the country.

Until now, the horoscope made from astrology was used to get information about the future and diseases of a person, which has no scientific basis. But now this work will be done by Jean Kundali, Which is completely the result of modern science.

By this, It will be known that in future your child may have what type of disease out of more than one thousand seven hundred types of genetic diseases.

What is a Genome?

There is a genetic material inside our cell which we call DNA, RNA. If all these substances are collected, then we call it genome. A chapter has been added in the healthcare of the country which can prove to be a boon for millions of ill people also.

This project, named Indigen, will not only provide accurate medicines in the future but will also protect people from future diseases. Each human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Which includes all genetic material or genes inherited from the parent. It is through these genes that special hereditary characteristics reach from one generation to the next.

The arrangement of these genes in chromosomes varies across individuals and the combination of genes of any individual is called a genome By decoding these genomes, it is possible to detect diseases occurring in a particular person, treating them as well as making future generations disease-free.

The project was initiated in April 2019 by the Council of Science and Industrial Research’s Institute of Genomics and Interactive Biology Delhi and the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad. 1400 blood samples were collected from various mass communities of the country for the biomedical experiment. Out of which 1008 people have complete genome sequencing.

The success of this experiment proves that the ability to de-code a human’s genetic blueprints through whole-genome sequencing will provide a major impetus for biomedical science.

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