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National Science Day 2020 “Women In Science”.

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Every year National Science Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the discovery of Raman Effect by the great Indian physicist Sir C V Raman.

Sir Raman studied many aspects of physics but his experiments with light proved to be crucial. During his return trip from London, Sir Raman was fascinated by the blue color of the sea and unable to accept Lord Rayleigh’s explanation that it was due to the reflection of the sky, he started experimenting with different liquids to observe the scattering of light.

And after 7 years of continuous and consistent efforts, he obtained the result of his scientific quest, which is today known as the ‘Raman Effect’.

Raman developed a special spectrum spectroscope for his research. Using his spectroscope and an intense light source he studied the scattering of light by various substances and observed their spectrum. He observed that each substance brought about a new change in the spectrum.

On 28th February 1928, he announced his findings and in 1930 won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the same.

This year (2020) the theme of National Science Day is based on “Women In Science”. There are many women scientists who have given their contribution to research and science development.

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